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Legislative Assembly Members Summers and Rendell Speak at the UN in New York

Mike Summers and Phyl Rendell, Members of the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly, spoke on behalf of the Falkland Islands at the annual meeting of the UN C24 De-colonisation Committee in New York on 25 June.  The full texts of their speeches (with Spanish translations) are at:

The Legislative Assembly Members also distributed a useful pamphlet entitled ‘Facts and Fictions: 50 Years of Argentine Falsehoods at the United Nations’, designed to counter some of the usual historical inaccuracies peddled by the Argentine Government at such events.  To see this pamphlet in English and Spanish, please see links below:

The Committee, under Xavier Lasso Mendoza of Ecuador (hardly an impartial chairman), passed its usual, non-binding, resolution calling for discussions between the UK and Argentina on the issue of sovereignty. In presenting this, Mendoza argued that the issue was not one of self-determination but of territorial integrity, notwithstanding the Falkland Islands’ recent referendum that overwhelmingly confirmed the Islander’s desire to remain a UK Overseas Territory.

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